Unlocking the Power of Creative Consulting

Whether you're launching a new brand, revitalizing an existing one, or seeking fresh perspectives, creative consulting can be your secret weapon. At its core, our creative consulting offerings offer short- and long-term support tailored around your specific goals and value-based outcomes. Let's delve into how this multifaceted approach can transform your business through creative direction, day rates, intensive workshops, messaging, newsletters, and strategy sessions using data-driven insights:

Creative Direction: The Visionary's Blueprint

Creative direction is the backbone of any successful brand. It involves shaping the visual and conceptual elements that define your brand’s identity. We can help you develop a cohesive aesthetic and voice that resonates with your target audience. This includes:

  • Visual Identity: Crafting logos, color schemes, typography sets and design elements that embody your brand.

  • Content Creation: Ensuring all visuals and messages align with your brand’s story and values from image selection to caption writing.

  • Campaign Direction: Overseeing the execution of marketing campaigns to maintain consistency and impact and identifying influencers or relevant stakeholders where it makes sense.

Day Rates

Not every project requires a long-term commitment. Our day rates offer flexible expertise-on-demand, allowing you to tap into expert knowledge precisely when you need it, giving you and your team, time to digest and step forward with confidence. This can be particularly beneficial for:

  • Project-Based Work: Hiring us for specific projects, such as a product launch or a marketing campaign.

  • Quick Turnaround Needs: Addressing urgent creative needs without the long-term commitment.

  • Collaborative Strategy Sessions: Using creative expertise to guide a conversation, problem-solve a campaign or review results.

  • Track Performance: Monitor the success of creative initiatives and campaigns.

  • Identify Trends: Recognize patterns in audience behavior and preferences.

  • Optimize Strategies: Adjust tactics based on data insights to maximize outcomes.

Intensive Workshops & Strategy Sessions

Our workshops are immersive experiences designed to inspire and educate and accelerate growth. They can be tailored for individuals or teams, focusing on various aspects of creative strategy. Our strategy sessions are collaborative meetings focused on developing actionable plans and roadmaps to success. These sessions can cover:

  • Individual Coaching: Personalized sessions to hone your creative skills or develop specific projects.

  • Team Building: Collaborative workshops to foster creativity and synergy within your team and align on creative priorities.

  • Skill Development: Training in areas such as content creation, brand storytelling, and strategic planning.

  • Brand Positioning: Defining your brand’s unique place in the market.

  • Marketing Strategies: Developing campaigns and tactics to reach your goals.

  • Growth Plans: Identifying opportunities for expansion and scaling your business.


Effective messaging is crucial for building a strong brand voice and connection with your audience. We can help you develop messaging that is:

  • Authentic: Reflecting your brand’s true values and personality.

  • Engaging: Captivating your audience’s attention and fostering loyalty.

  • Consistent: Ensuring all communications maintain a unified voice across platforms.

Newsletter Creation & Execution

Newsletters are a powerful tool for maintaining engagement with your audience. We love assisting with:

  • Content Strategy: Planning newsletter topics and themes that align with your brand and audience interests.

  • Design and Layout: Creating visually appealing newsletters that capture attention.

  • Execution: Managing the distribution and analysis of newsletters to optimize performance.

The Proof is in the Numbers

Businesses that invest in creative consulting often see significant improvements in key performance indicators. According to recent studies:

  • Increased Engagement: Brands with strong creative strategies experience a 70% increase in customer engagement.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Effective messaging and creative direction can boost conversion rates by up to 60%.

  • Enhanced Brand Loyalty: Consistent and authentic communication can improve customer retention by 50%.

Our creative consulting offers a holistic approach to achieving your business goals through tailored, value-driven strategies. Whether you need short-term support or a long-term partnership, the benefits are clear. From creative direction and day rates to intensive workshops, messaging, newsletters, strategy sessions, and data-driven insights, creative consulting can elevate your brand and drive measurable success.

Ready to unlock your brand’s potential? Explore the transformative power of creative consulting and watch your business thrive.


Case Study: Liz Brunner


Case Study: Levy Goldman Dentistry